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How to find water underground?

Here are some common ways to find groundwater:

1. Topographic and geomorphologic analysis:

In valleys, foothills, basin edges, and other topographic depressions, groundwater is usually pooled.

2. Observation of vegetation:

Some plants have a high demand for water, such as reeds, irises, etc. Dense growth may suggest the presence of groundwater.

3. Ground wetness:

Areas where the ground is permanently wet or where there is seasonal standing water may have groundwater underneath.

4. Ask local residents:

People who have lived in the area for a long time often have experience and knowledge of groundwater distribution.

5. Geological survey:

Analyze the geological structure through geological maps and other information to understand the location of possible aquifers.

6. Utilization of physical exploration methods:

Such as electric exploration, magnetic exploration, etc., can detect the underground geological structure and water-bearing situation.

7. Test drilling:

Carry out some test drilling to determine whether groundwater is encountered according to the drilling process.


Contact: Mr. Jackson Chen

Phone: +86 18574606855


Add: Shanhuxi Road Chuangfacheng Plaza Yongzhou City Hunan Province China, Yongzhou, Hunan, China